EquiVeg is made from UK farmed vegetables that are chopped and dried in Newark, before being packed on-site and ready to go.
EquiVeg is made from UK farmed vegetables that are chopped and dried in Newark, before being packed on-site and ready to go.


Firstly, we love horses and take great pride in helping you to take care of yours!

Our feeds are all 100% natural, convenient, handy and healthy. We never, ever add sugar or any other additives. It naturally lasts a long time, having had the moisture removed from the Veg and they’ll love it just as it is!

You can feed it as it is as a quick snack or treat, or you can soak a handful in water to rehydrate and feed or add to your mulch. If you have a picky eater or your horse or pony is just off their food, EquiVeg is perfect to add to your food mix to tempt them!

Okay.. so you may have already seen us mention this once or twice, but we’re so very proud that we are supporting UK Farmers by using only British grown veggies in our feeds.

We are also really lucky that we have an Anaerobic Digestive plant on-site to generate all of the electricity that we need to do power the process of dehydrating these vegetables!

Take a peek at our ‘The things we make’ to find out about our current range – We have plans for more, so watch that space!

We love to keep you updated and hear back from you so follow us on our Facebook and Instagram or just send us a message on our Contact Us Page if that’s easier for you.

Lastly, if you’re looking to buy a bulk, it’s very simple to use our Quote form we’re looking for distributors!